Finch Bird Feeders Buy
Quick-Clean Finch Feeders are designed to make life a little simpler for your birds and you. The reinforced metal feed ports make it easy for finches to dine, while the removable base makes cleaning a breeze.
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Our Quick-Clean Finch Feeders are designed to make life a little simpler for your birds and you. The reinforced metal feed ports make it easy for finches to dine on Nyjer (thistle), while the removable base makes cleaning a breeze. We also offer a variety of accessories including trays and weather guards.
Designed to hold finch favorites like Nyjer (thistle) and fine sunflower chips, our EcoClean Medium Finch Feeder has antimicrobial product protection built into the tube, all black powder coated metal components, the seed diverter and all perch covers. This Finch Feeder also has a Quick-Clean removable bottom for easy cleaning.
Designed to hold finch favorites like Nyjer (thistle) and fine sunflower chips, our EcoClean Large Finch Feeder has antimicrobial product protection built into the tube, all black powder coated metal components, the seed diverter and all perch covers. This Finch Feeder also has a Quick-Clean removable bottom for easy cleaning.
Easy to fill, this feeder has antimicrobial product protection embedded in powder coating on the mesh metal tube and all black powder coated metal components as well as the plastic seed diverter. It features a removable base, making it easier to clean. The mesh tube allows finches to land and feed in whatever position they choose and allows air circulation to keep your food as dry and fresh as possible.
The only problem with using shelled sunflower kernels is that many other birds LOVE it too. The list of birds that like sunflower includes sparrows (including the dreaded House Sparrow), cardinals, jays, woodpeckers, nuthatches, titmice, chickadees, blackbirds, and more!
This is because not many birds eat nyjer seed. The list of birds is small and includes finches (Goldfinches, Pine Siskin, House Finch, etc.), chickadees, and doves. Even squirrels should leave your feeders filled with nyjer seed alone!
Niger seed tube feeders all seem to have an issue, and this one is no exception. When water inevitably gets inside, it is hard for it to evaporate, which creates moisture inside the feeder. The bottom 3-4 inches of seed gets spoiled sometimes due to water damage and sometimes I have to blast water from a hose into the feeder to wash out the seed stuck at the bottom.
To help solve the moisture problem, I have been using a product called Feeder Fresh. While filling up my finch feeders, I put some of the granules into the bottom, which absorbs water when it inevitably gets inside.
Some are disposable; some can be refilled. Finches land directly on the sock and pull the food out from the tiny holes. Only birds that can cling to the bag with their feet can use it since there are no perches (like American Goldfinches).
If the nyjer seed sits in your finch feeder too long and starts to get moldy, then you need to clean your feeder. Wash and sterilize with a bleach-water mixture (10% bleach). Make sure to rinse thoroughly with water and let dry completely.
We live in Central Texas and we are over-run with RWBB! They chase all the other (good) birds away and we end up with RWBB, Starlings, Grackles and Brown Headed Cowbirds. We have tried everything to defeat the mean birds, but they figure out every feeder and eat every kind of seed. Our latest Finch feeder has little ports that you can open for large seeds or close for small seeds. I locked the ports all closed, with finch food in it, and the RWBBs opened them! Does anyone have any suggestions on helping with this kind of issue? Thanks!
I only have room for two feeder, one is a block feeder and the other is a very nice double decker platform feeder with a roof for my doves and others. I use a local blend from my feed store: white millet, black oil sf seeds and chicken scratch; cracked corn & wheat..can I add some niger to that to attract finches? Will they find it?
Hi Scott,I have the Droll Yankee Nyjer Feeder and I love it. The problem is that the goldfinches have gone away for the summer and I want to attract them back. How about putting sunflowers chips in the nyjer feeder to attract finches but keep the house sparrows away?
I agree with you Laura. Since writing that article I have heard they enjoy BOS too, but to be honest I have never seen it at my feeders. Probably because I always have kernels or nyjer available! Thanks for commenting.
The socks work great but they get torn apart by squirrels, large birds in a day or soI bought a tube feeder which I love. Have it by my kitchen window and 2 pairs of goldfinches visited constantly. Until the perches (plastic) broke! Darn. What tube feeder is there that has stronger perches? I miss my goldfinches
Have you had any luck with the finch sock? I had the same concern when I first hung them, but the goldfinches found and used them on the first day. My guess is that by the time I replied you experienced the same thing?
Draw in a crowd of finches with this triple tube thistle feeder. It holds up to 3 pounds of seed, so birds will have plenty to enjoy. This is the most common type of finch feeder, and it will be very popular with the finches if it is cared for properly. Since the tube can trap water, and water can cause the seed to mold, you should clean this feeder frequently.
This mesh feeder features a removable top and bottom for effortless cleaning, metal perches, a wide roof, and holes on the bottom of the tray to help rainwater drain out. Metal mesh thistle feeders are similar to sock feeders but are much more durable. Like seeing birds close-up? Try a window bird feeder.
The fastest method of attracting wild birds to your back yard is to provide them a reason to stop in. Hanging bird feeders in your backyard and providing a fresh source of water will have them flocking in! Obviously the market is full of options today and we've pulled together below the best selection of tube feeders and thistle/nyjer feeders designed primarily for feeding finches but other songbirds like wrens will be glad to join the feeding frenzy. If you have any questions at all don't hesitate to ask us. Thanks for feeding birds!
Trays attract the widest variety of seed-eating feeder birds, including pigeons, starlings, and House Sparrows, but also grosbeaks and native sparrows. Tray feeders offer no protection against rain and snow; without excellent drainage, seeds may become wet enough to sprout, and wet seeds may also foster fungal and bacterial growth. Bird droppings can quickly soil the seed in tray feeders. The best tray feeders have a screened, rather than solid, bottom to promote complete drainage; at the very least, tray feeders should have several drainage holes. Even with drainage, the bottom should be removable for fairly frequent hosing. Offer only enough seed in tray feeders for birds to finish every day or two, and shake out the bottom every time you add new seeds.
Tray feeders placed near the ground are most likely to attract ground-feeding birds such as juncos, doves, jays, blackbirds, and sparrows (along with squirrels, deer, raccoons, and other critters). Tray feeders can also be mounted on deck railings, posts, or stumps, or can be suspended. Some models have a roof to provide some protection from the weather.
Small plastic feeders affixed to window glass with suction cups, and platform feeders hooked into window frames, attract finches, chickadees, titmice, and some sparrows. They afford us wonderful, close-up views of birds, and their placement makes them the safest of all feeder types for preventing window collisions. Because many birds feed while standing on the seeds in window feeders, the food risks becoming soiled, so the seed in these feeders should be changed daily and the feeders kept very clean. Fortunately, for most window designs these are the easiest of all feeders to access for filling and cleaning.
Hollow tubes keep seed fairly clean and dry and, if they have metal feeding ports, may be somewhat squirrel resistant (though squirrels often chew through the end caps or the plastic tube itself). Depending on the size of the perches under the feeding ports, you may attract small birds such as sparrows, grosbeaks, chickadees, titmice, and finches while excluding larger species such as grackles and jays. Styles with perches above the feeding ports are designed for seed-eating birds that can feed hanging upside down, such as goldfinches and chickadees, while dissuading others. Depending on the size of the feeding ports, you can offer tiny nyjer seeds or larger seeds.
Suet feeders may be constructed of wire mesh or plastic-coated wire mesh, or be a simply mesh onion bag. They can be nailed or tied to a tree trunk, suspended, or affixed to the side of a hopper feeder.
Suet feeders attract a variety of woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, titmice, jays, and starlings. Suet cages that open only at the bottom force birds to hang upside down while feeding. This design usually excludes starlings, which have trouble perching that way.
View our listing of the 5 best Finch bird feeders, ordered by the popularity, the top one being the most popular. Finches are tiny birds with strong migratory traits. In the United States, the nesting finch can remain until the early fall, fledging out another brood of babies. These colorful and cheery birds are granivorous, meaning that they generally get the calories they need from grain and seeds.
These birds like to eat thistle seeds. They also seek shelter in low-growing plants. If you have the chance to let some thistles grow wild in any part of your yard, you may be able to enjoy a nesting of the friendly finch in the area. 041b061a72